Serious Business

- Written by: dogloose
- Category: Serious Business
- Hits: 3405
Back when I was in high school my guitar instructor gave me a lead about a local band that was looking for a guitarist. So I call them them up, speak to the manager and arrange for an audition. On the day of the audition my mom drives me down to Park Slope, which at the time was not such a good part of Brooklyn. I meet the band and the manager and I pass the audition. Boom! Iām in a band!

- Written by: Edward Jay Epstein
- Category: Serious Business
- Hits: 3629
In spite of ups and downs over decades the price of diamonds has remained essentially stable and under total control of nothing short of a racket. Created and managed by the De Beers cartel, the value of what were once just rocks in the ground has risen to the point where they are now coveted and revered around the world. And once you buy one, well, it's yours - forever! In the February 1982 issue of The Atlantic magazine, noted author Edward Jay Epstein laid out how it all began in a piece entitled: Have You Ever Tried to Sell a Diamond? The story is both fascinating and revealing.
Read more: The Diamond Invention - Forever Means You Just Can't Sell 'Em