Released in 1978, Of Mist and Melting (ECM) was Bill Connors’ second solo record. His first, 1975’s Theme to the Gaurdian [sic], was similar compositionally, but trimmed down, with Bill on acoustic and some overdubbing. The more elaborate Of Mist and Melting is expanded with Jack DeJohnette on drums, Gary Peacock on bass and Jan Garbarek on tenor saxophone.
Of Mist and Melting exudes atmosphere and features compositions that have a linear tonality rather than a traditional A-A-B-A form. The standout tracks to me are “Face in the Water,” “Not Forgetting” and “Unending.” Interestingly, these pieces remind me of Segovia’s underrated original works, in particular “Neblina” and the third piece in Cinco Anecdotas. That both of these Segovia compositions could fit in perfectly on Of Mist and Melting gives merit to Connors’ legitimacy as a guitar composer.
Aside from his unique musical choices, Bill Connors’ sound is personalized with an application of undeniably distinctive, slow, large-waveform left-hand vibrato. Even with a blindfold test, one would be pretty certain this acoustic guitarist is the same fiery electric guitarist on the first Return to Forever album, Hymn of the Seventh Galaxy.
Producer Manfred Eicher and engineer Jan Erik Kongshaug did a super job with the sometimes problematic chore of recording acoustic guitar, capturing it like lightning in a bottle. Additionally, Jack DeJohnette’s cymbals are crystalline, Gary Peacock’s bass speaks with all the nuances of an acoustic bass, and Jan Gabarek’s saxophone is big and strong. Although Garbarek adds an emotionalism and raises Connors’ compositions to their proper heights, his raw emotion occasionally hits me a bit hard, like Enrico Caruso butting his way into a Joni Mitchell song. But that’s my personal taste and, perhaps unfairly, my nitpicking.