In part one of this lesson[1], you learned how to play the basic and reverse gallop rhythms. Once you can play these two patterns at a...
In part one of this lesson[1], you learned how to play the basic and reverse gallop rhythms. Once you can play these two patterns at a variety of tempos, the next step is to combine them and add power chords, single notes and articulations to enhance your rhythm playing.
In this lesson, you'll learn how the gallop rhythm is used in six different ways. The aim is to show you how to approach rhythms like this from your favorite metal records and to provide you with inspiration for your own music.
FIGURE 1 combines the basic gallop with the reversed version. You might find that your picking hand gets lost when doing this for the first time.
My advice is to keep practicing at a slower tempo until you can play it in time and without looking at the notation. This way, you learn to "feel" the rhythm on your own without the need for any visual aid.
Once you’re comfortable with this rhythm, add in power chords that aren’t played with a palm-mute. This trains your picking hand to release the palm-mute and re-apply it whenever you need it.
In FIGURE 2, I’ve used the same rhythm as before but I’ve added a non-muted E5 power chord on beats one and three. I’ve also added eighth-note power chord slides at the end of bar two to keep the riff from sounding monotonous.
Taking this a step forward, FIGURE 3 offers another thrash riff, this time in the key of F# minor. The gallop rhythms are combined with some regular sixteenth notes on beat four of the first bar. Pay close attention to the picking pattern here.