Back in March, Luke Korns[1], a internet gent with 1.3 million YouTube followers (more or less), set out to learn to play guitar in 24 little...
Back in March, Luke Korns[1], a internet gent with 1.3 million YouTube followers (more or less), set out to learn to play guitar in 24 little hours.
Starting off with the old (and often disputed) business rule that it takes 10,000 hours to truly master a skill, Korns decides to see what he can do with a mere 24—possibly saving the other 9,976 hours for some other time.
With the help of at least one website[2] (for which this video is clearly an ad), Korns definitely seems to give it the ol' college try—not even sleeping (at least that's how it appears in the time-elapsed clip).
At the end of the video, you can hear the song Korns writes and records within the 24-hour span; it includes at least two guitar tracks, and to be honest, it doesn't sound bad at all. In fact, it sounds like the result of at least 37.666666667 hours of nonstop learning. However, it turns out Korns had a bit of a head start; he took a few guitar lessons back in the sixth grade and knows a few basic chords.
NOTE: Do yourself a favor and skip ahead to 1:32 in the video. I repeat, jump directly to 1:32.
- ^ Luke Korns (www.youtube.com)
- ^ at least one website (www.skillshare.com)