When it comes time to leadIt’s summer—time to pull out the guitar and pull up around the campfire, backyard fire pit or friend-hang just about anywhere.
When it comes time to lead the sing-along, you need some easy acoustic guitar songs that are known and loved by all.
Here are a few that will get the crowd going and make you look like a genius...even if they only are three chords!
01. Brown Eyed Girl – Van Morrison
This has always been a favorite of mine. Probably because of my own brown eyes.
And why not. It’s got an easy, breezy sensibility and a walk-in-the-sunshine vibe.
“Brown Eyed Girl” was first released in May 1967 on the album Blowin' Your Mind!
It was inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame in 2007.
Originally titled "Brown-Skinned Girl," Morrison changed it to "Brown Eyed Girl" when he recorded it.
Morrison remarked on the original title, "That was just a mistake. It was a kind of Jamaican song. Calypso. It just slipped my mind. I changed the title. After we'd recorded it, I looked at the tape box and didn't even notice that I'd changed the title. I looked at the box where I'd lain it down with my guitar and it said 'Brown Eyed Girl' on the tape box. It's just one of those things that happen."
Well, I say, it’s a good mistake. But I might be a little partial.
G........................ C
Hey, where did we go
Days when the rain came
Down in the hollow
Playin' a new game
G...................... C
Laughin' and a runnin', hey hey
Skippin' and a jumpin'
In the misty mornin' fog
With our hearts a thumpin'
And you
My brown eyed girl
And you, my
Brown eyed girl