Almost every guitar player I know enjoys adding instruments to their stable. We have an emotional connection to guitars and let’s face it; we love the damn things. Reasons to look for new instruments vary from something that we truly need—such as having a go-to guitar for an extra tuning or a back-up guitar for when we play a live show—all the way to finding an axe just because it would look good on our wall.
Are any of the reasons good enough? Sure. I won’t judge.
But, there is a deeper mental dilemma and torment at play when some guitarists obsess over which instrument to get next. It is the feeling of getting something new that is exciting for the sake of the chase that often results in nothing less than a one-two punch to the brain.
When a need arises to truly have a new guitar, then let’s leave it at that. Go for it. But, what if we just go crazy while fueled with the greedy need of getting something new just because. Let’s talk about that. I will additionally throw a few tips on how to approach finding the right guitar you need.
Wanting Something Is Way More Powerful Than Having It
The anticipation and excitement of getting a new guitar are often more powerful than the satisfaction of having it in your hands. It's like when a child orders something from the internet and checks every hour if the mailman dropped it off for him.
Then though, once the package is opened and a couple days are spent with the new toy, a new prize appears on the horizon. Yep, even guitars are like that. The truth is that people are emotional animals and many lack the self-discipline to avoid traps that are set up