With autumn only a few hours away, Dhani Harrison has premiered "Summertime Police," a new track from his solo debut, In///Parallel, which will be released October 6 via BMG Records. The etheral track is the third single to be shared from the new album.
"I have a fairly lucid memory. I remember events from my life and put music to them," said Harrison in a press release.
"Each track is pretty much a scene from my past. My gift from the universe is that I really enjoy changing, and that's why I'm now happy being Dhani Harrison. With everything you accomplish, you gain a freedom to do something else in your life, not unlike a video game, where you unlock different levels, powers and weapons. I had to go through the process, and I unlocked a lot of different stuff in myself, which allows me to be who I am now."
Best of all, the track, which is synth-heavy, ambient and even captures something of an Eighties MTV pop vibe (or perhaps early Nineties Peter Gabriel), finds a way to utilize the guitar in multiple roles; there's even a solo section that kicks in at 3:41. It's the sort of solo you could hum, making it composition within a composition.
For more about Harrison and the new album, check out dhaniharrison.com.
IN///PARALLEL Track List
1. Never Know
2. #WarOnFalse
3. Úlfur Resurrection
4. Downtown Tigers
5. London Water
6. Summertime Police
7. Poseidon (Keep Me Safe)
8. The Light Under the Door
9. All About Waiting
10. Admiral of Upside Down
Dhani Harrison on Tour
Nov 6th - New York - Knitting Factory
Nov 7th - Washington, DC - U Street Music Hall
Nov 19th - Seattle - The Crocodile
Nov 20th -