We all want our guitar solos to stand out, to capture the attention of the listener, to bring the song to a new level.

We all want our guitar solos to stand out, to capture the attention of the listener, to bring the song to a new level.
However, most solos disappoint and merely make a song seem longer. The problem is not the notes you play. The problem is what you are soloing over.
How many times have you taken a solo over a verse or a chorus? This is a common practice—and it needs to stop now. The basic problem is compositional. You're playing a bunch of notes over a part that has already been repeated. Where's the excitement?
It's time to add some ear candy. Use the following steps and write a new part to solo over. If you do, your next solo will enhance the song, your playing and—quite possibly—your career. By the way, I've given this same advice to many of my students and bands that have come to me for production advice. Every one of them suggested I share them. They work. They are tested.
1. CHANGE KEYS. This is the Number 1 tip. Numero Uno. The big one. Nothing will make a solo stand out like changing to a higher key. Even if you play the same chords from the verse, it will sound like a new part in a new key and make a solo jump out. Interval of choice? A minor 3rd. That's three frets higher. If you're in E, go to G. Try it.
2. CHANGE THE ATMOSPHERE. Most of today's pop/rock/blues/prog songs are heavily produced. It's time to add some space, some room. Lose the rhythm guitars. The heavy