This enhanced version makes Apex the only system in the industry with 4-point matching.


Apex Tube Matching

Apex Tube Matching has announced that...

This enhanced version makes Apex the only system in the industry with 4-point matching.


Apex Tube Matching

Apex Tube Matching has announced that its power tube matching system has been enhanced for 4-point matching.

This enhanced version now matches additional control points, making Apex the only system in the industry with 4-point matching.

Apex Tube Matching is performed entirely in-house on the company's custom-built tube matching machine, using Apex's custom-designed software testing and matching methodology.

Apex's systems measure current and voltage to provide the best possible matching for your tubes. Power tubes are electrically matched so each tube will have the same amount of “idle” plate current and amplification characteristics when plugged into an amplifier. This is done so your tubes can work together in your amp, giving you optimal sound quality and tube longevity.

Matched tubes also receive extra quality checks to reduce the possibility of getting a faulty power tube that may have slipped by the manufacturer.

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