If you’re terrified every time you have to fly, because some airlines let you carry on your guitar, some don’t, and you’re never sure which will, which won’t, and when. WELL, WONDER AND WORRY NO MORE!! In 2012,President Obama signed into law the ‘‘FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012,’’ which, along with provisions for enhancing runway safety and easing restrictions on transporting lithium batteries, contains the following text...

In light of a recent kerfuffle former Kinks guitarist Dave Davies had with British Airways—in which the airline did not let him bring his guitar onboard as carry-on luggage—we thought it'd be pertinent to bring this back.
I’ve seen them; you’ve seen them—those gut-wrenching photos or videos of someone’s precious vintage guitar being crushed in the baggage carousel or launched across the tarmac by a malicious or careless baggage handler.
You’ve argued with airline personnel at the ticket counter about your right to carry your guitar onto the plane, no extra baggage fee required.
You’ve been told you have to buy an extra seat in order to bring your instrument aboard.
You’ve pleaded with attendants at the gate, begging them to let you carry your guitar onto the plane, only to be told that it must be “gate checked” (a term, I’m sure, designed to have us believe that these items are somehow safer under the plane than other items. True? I’m leery).
And you’re terrified every time you have to fly, because some airlines let you, some don’t, and you’re never sure which will, which won’t, and when.
Well, wonder and worry no more!
In 2012, former President Barack Obama signed into law the ‘‘FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012,’’ which, along with provisions for enhancing runway safety and easing