What is the hardest song to play live? That goes for King’s X or any of your other projects. —Christopher Goodwin
Well, a lot of the songs I’ve never played live, so I don’t know. There’s a whole lot of music on my solo stuff that I don’t even know if I can play it live. As far as King’s X is concerned, believe it or not, “It’s Love,” one of our biggest hits in the early days [1990], is one of the most difficult songs for us as a band to play. It just requires more coordination than most songs, as far as voice and hand coordination, doing things at different rhythms and times that don’t hit at the same time together. It gets confusing. So that’s a hard one for us to pull off and do it well.
I’m excited to hear your new solo album, Alien Beans. What can you tell me about it? —Dutch Schultz
It was an idea that started with my manager—to release a bunch of the stuff I had released to fans online, things that weren’t on a major label. He suggested I should release some of the catalog on a label so that more people would know about it. That was the original idea—but as we were putting some of the old stuff together, I also was writing new stuff, so I told Rat Pak Records, why don’t I write some more new songs and we can make it a bigger package, offering more than just the old stuff. The intention was to have two or three new songs, but as I kept writing I kept putting it on hold, saying I’ve got another