There was a time when all a successful player required was a good guitar and an amplifier loud enough to be heard over the drummer. But then a little device called the fuzz pedal appeared in the mid ’60s, and soon the direct connection between guitar and amp went the way of the dial phone. Nowadays it’s rare indeed to see a performing guitarist without at least several effects pedals at his or her feet. While the amount of effects pedals doesn’t necessarily dictate the proficiency of the player, there are a handful of “stompboxes” that, over the years, have become required tools of the trade. These little lifesaving tone enhancers/modifiers, and how they can be used creatively, will be the focus of this lesson. So whether you’ve just started to use pedals, or you’re the proud owner of a closet full of gadgets, come on in. All are welcome!
Often first in the chain (running order of pedals between guitar and amplifier), and within convenient stomping distance, is the wah-wah pedal. One of the most expressive effects pedals ever invented, it also tops the list as being the most physically demanding. Effectively, it needs to be “played” like a second instrument while simultaneously playing the guitar. In simple terms, it’s a bandpass filter that creates a peak in the frequency spectrum, which can be shifted up and down via a foot-controlled potentiometer. The wah pedal can be used to imitate the human voice, or growl like a lion, cry like a baby, and even chatter like a tree full of monkeys! But perhaps its most practical use is as a percussive tool, to enhance funky rhythms, as depicted in Ex. 1. Be sure to keep a smooth, down/up motion with the pedal. Stay in time with