Last month, we shared a video from our friends at Kemper Amps that featured acclaimed L.A.-based session guitarist Tim Pierce in the studio using the Kemper Profiler.
Today, we’re back with another...
Last month, we shared a video from our friends at Kemper Amps that featured acclaimed L.A.-based session guitarist Tim Pierce in the studio using the Kemper Profiler.
Today, we’re back with another clip of Pierce, where he further discusses using the Profiler in the studio to achieve an amazingly wide palette of tones and textures. Watch the clip above.
With the Kemper Profiler, players are able to extract the exact tone and feel from any amp in their collection. A profile doesn't only capture the amp itself, but every aspect of the cabinet and microphone configuration as well. The Profiler also ships with hundreds of amps and rigs already installed.
Bonus! Pierce is giving away five yearly subscriptions to his masterclasses. Enter to win a timpierceguitar.com/kemper-giveaway.
For the latest on Kemper, visit kemper-amps.com.