One fun thing about being a guitarist is that there's always something new or different—a little-known pedal, a new amp, an under-the-radar capo or accessory—just around the next corner....

One fun thing about being a guitarist is that there's always something new or different—a little-known pedal, a new amp, an under-the-radar capo or accessory—just around the next corner.
As our old friend Philip McKnight points out in the early 2016 video below, the same goes for cables.
In the clip, McKnight—who happens to own a music shop—lets us know about two cables every guitarist should add to their arsenal.
The first one, which connects an external battery directly to your pedal (it's a tuner in the video), can be a big help when you want to try out a pedal at home or in a shop, or for when you have an unforeseen pedalboard issue at a gig and need a quick fix. The second item is an unassuming extension cable that can be put to ingenious use, as Philip demonstrates.
Take a look, and as always, visit Phillip’s YouTube channel for more of his videos.