image Few instruments can evoke the qualities of a human voice as well as a slide guitar. An expert player can express a wide range of emotions, but the basic techniques of slide are accessible even to

Few instruments can evoke the qualities of a human voice as well as a slide guitar. An expert player can express a wide range of emotions, but the basic techniques of slide are accessible even to beginners... it starts with just one finger.

Before blues or country even existed, 19th century Hawaiian guitarists developed a style called slack key by tuning the open strings to a chord and playing changes by sliding up and down the neck with steel bars. Meanwhile, African Americans in the south had the diddley bow, a homemade, one-string instrument played with a bottle, knife, or even a piece of bone. In the early 20th century, these parallel traditions blended together to become the foundation of the blues, country, and rock slide guitar sounds we know today.

Commercial slides are available in a variety of shapes and sizes; here are a few things to consider when making a choice:

Material: Glass, steel, brass, copper and ceramic are the most common; the qualities are subtly different and the choice is a matter of taste.

Weight: Medium weight and thickness— neither especially thin nor heavy— is easiest to manage.

Length: about as long as the guitar neck is wide

Diameter: just wide enough to slip over your finger up to the second knuckle (too loose and it can fly off).

Finger: the explanations in this lesson are based on using the little finger, but every finger has its advantages, and many players prefer to wear the slide on their ring finger. Experiment before you decide.


A smooth slide sound depends on avoiding contact between the slide and the frets, so serious slide players favor heavy

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