Can a split humbucker sound as good as a single-coil?
That’s the question Darrell Braun puts to the test in this blind comparison video.

Can a split humbucker sound as good as a single-coil?
That’s the question Darrell Braun puts to the test in this blind comparison video.
His single-coil guitars for this example are a Fender American Standard Telecaster and a G&L Tribute Series Legacy. His coil-splitting humbucker axes are a PRS SE Custom 24 and an Epiphone Les Paul Limited Edition with Seymour Duncan P-Rail pickups.
Darrell’s blind comparisons include the neck pickups, bridge pickups, and neck and bridge pickups together. He also flips the order of the guitars between each comparison to help keep you on your toes.
Now if you have a pair of headphones, you’d better get ’em out and get ’em cranked up, ’cause they’re really gonna help you on this one.
For more of Darrell’s informative videos, visit the Darrell Braun Guitar YouTube channel.