Walrus Audio has unveiled its new Emissary Parallel Boost pedal.
The new pedal features two independent boost circuits running in parallel. Users can use one

Walrus Audio has unveiled its new Emissary Parallel Boost pedal.
The new pedal features two independent boost circuits running in parallel. Users can use one or the other by itself, or mix any combination of both by turning up each knob to the desired level.
The top knob on the pedal controls the ‘bright’ boost circuit—a high-headroom JFET boost with a focus on the top-end—while the bottom knob adjusts the ‘mid’ boost circuit, which can be targeted at 1kHz or 800Hz depending on the toggle switch’s position.
The Emissary Parallel Boost pedal is available now for $169.
For more info, head on over to walrusaudio.com.