Columbia/Legacy will release the 14th installment in Bob Dylan’s celebrated "Bootleg Series" this fall. More Blood, More Tracks will cover the pivotal studio recordings made by Dylan during six sessions in 1974—four in New York (September 16, 17, 18, 19) and two in Minneapolis (December 27, 30)—that formed his classic 1975 album, Blood on the Tracks.
Bob Dylan—More Blood, More Tracks—The Bootleg Series Vol. 14 is due out November 2 in both 6-CD and single-disc/2-LP configurations. You can listen to an early outtake of “If You See Her, Say Hello,” below.
In his liner notes for More Blood, More Tracks, Jeff Slate observes that, "Dylan cut each of these amazing performances—some of the best he ever committed to tape—one after the other, live in the studio, without headphones, and without the types of overdubs that most performers rely on to make their records sound finished. Instead, on these tracks, we find Dylan—just a singer with a guitar and a harmonica and a batch of great songs—delivering performances that thrill you when they’re supposed to and break your heart when they need to... The performances are also in the purest state we’ve ever experienced them. During the production of Blood On The Tracks, Dylan asked [producer Phil] Ramone to speed up many of the masters by 2-3%, a common practice in the 1960s and ’70s, especially for records sent to AM radio. It was thought that doing so would give the songs a little extra bounce to better engage listeners. Most of the songs from the New York sessions that previously circulated, officially and unofficially, are the sped-up versions that Dylan requested. On More Blood, More Tracks, for the first time, we’re hearing the songs exactly