The X4 is the latest in Voodoo Lab’s Pedal Power series and also the smallest, with an aluminum housing measuring just 3.37 inches wide, 2.75 inches deep and a bit over an inch high.

The X4 is the latest in Voodoo Lab’s Pedal Power series and also the smallest, with an aluminum housing measuring just 3.37 inches wide, 2.75 inches deep and a bit over an inch high. Designed for small pedalboards, it has four isolated nine-volt DC outputs, each providing up to 500mA of current. The X4 comes with a 12-volt DC adapter rated at 1,000mA, which is the maximum total current draw of the system with pedals connected. It can also be powered from any 12-volt, 400mA output from another Pedal Power unit. The package includes 3M Dual Lock for mounting the X4 and four cables for sending juice to your stompboxes.
According to the literature, the X4’s DC transformer combines traditional analog linear voltage regulation with state-of-the-art organic polymer and ceramic capacitor filters to achieve “best in class performance.” This means the X4 doesn’t add any noise and is therefore ideal for modern and vintage battery-powered pedals as well as high-current DSP effects.
I tested the X4 in a Voodoo Lab Dingbat Tiny board ($129 street, padded case included; $179 street with X4 installed) that was populated with a Hermida Audio Zendrive, a Demeter Tremulator, an MXR Reverb and a Whirlwind tuner. The X4 added no detectable noise, and all that could be heard when the pedals were bypassed was the low hum of the amp itself.
If you’re looking to downsize your gig rig, the X4’s quality and performance make it ideal for mini boards — it fits perfectly beneath flat Pedaltrain boards like Nano and Metro — or any other setup that requires a small, lightweight and rugged power supply.